Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"If it were that bad no one would have more than one kid"

EVERYONE has heard the saying when asked how bad labor pains are "If it were that bad no one would have more than one kid." Ok, well I'VE decided that this morning sickness business IS bad enough to not have anymore than one kid. I'm convinced nothing I experience throughout the rest of this pregnancy can be any worse than this.
Imagine the WORST hangover you've ever experienced, the kind that the slightest movement, change in lighting, loud sound or the slightest weird smell will send you praising the porcelain goddess - that my friends is what I feel like all day, until literally the second I fall asleep, but the SECOND I become conscious, not even open my eyes, it's right back to that feeling.
I bought peppermint candy after hearing that would help ease it.... no such luck; although I have the best smelling breath :) lol.

sigh - I hate this.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Conversation with belly no. 2

After my 9th trip to my bathroom today (peeing, again no vomiting)I got a huge wave a nauseous "Please, stop doing this. I give you food, I give you air, I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU LIFE, please stop making me sick, it's just annoying now."


So much for that

I guess I didn't find "my food". I've come to the conclusion that food will never be good again, lol. Hopefully its just for the first trimester. I have noticed that I haven't been as depressed lately, just stressed that I'm going to become circus fat lol. So I'm trying to be conscious of what I eat, but its hard because the only thing that doesnt make me sick to even think about is junk food. I'm just gonna try to swim often and the walking that we do helps. I just hope most of the weight will just go to my belly, and stay off of my arms and legs - oh my god, and my face LOL. I dont wanna look like a pregnant chipmunk - thanks.

Friday, July 16, 2010

My food!

So since I haven't had morning sickness (KNOCK ON WOOD) - I've just had constant nausea, in turn nothing sounds good, and whatever does; the second I eat it, I immediately feel like i'm going to vomit. Except for TODAY, I found "my food"; Spicy Italian from Subway - I feel like I'm gonna be there everyday now. :) I'm so excited, finally a food that tastes amazing and doesn't make me nauseas.
So now I'll be craving Spicy Italian and water/gatorade - which I normally HATE.

First blog

I’d like to post how far along I am, my due date and all that fun stuff - unfortunately I don’t know. LOL. I went to the docs on Tuesday 7.13.10 and not much happened except for yet another pregnancy test, that brings the total up to 5. Same outcome every time - positive.

So once I get all the information I’ll make sure I post it, as for now, the doc’s said my due date Feb 12, 2011, but I made up my last period date so the due date is off.

I’ve been lucky enough to not have any morning sickness, although I just got very nauseous and had a conversation with my belly it went like “Ok baby, lets make a deal, lets keep up this amazing no morning sickness thing we have going on, and I promise to …. never give you spit bath in public, or take you to Saturday school in pajama’s, but if I do they wont look like pajamas… great!” :D

We’ll see how that goes.