Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Well - a quick update.
I'm in California while Travis is in Arkansas. We decided that him being in Arkansas and my being with my friends would be less stressful, and would ultimately help our relationship as opposed to ruining it.
I know that this is the best for us right now, but it doesnt make it any easier. I'm miserable without him and its only been 5 days.
I'm pregnant, hormonal, and I was already extremely emotional before I got pregnant. I need constant reassurance that he still loves me and misses me. I'm like an annoying new puppy and I cant help it.
I'm hoping that once it gets closer to the holidays it will get easier. You'd think it would be the exact opposite, but I'm hoping that because holidays seem to come up so quickly, it will help me.

Basically - thats all thats new. lol
Baby is still good. I'll post new ultra sound pics soon. :)