Saturday, October 30, 2010


One to see the size -
 BabyFruit Ticker

Funny Dev. Facts -

More facts -

Oh insomnia

Your name?

Fathers name?

Are you still with him?

Were you trying to get pregnant?
No, but we definitely weren't using the right precautions to insure that we didn't either.

When you found out

When did you find out?
July 7(?) 2010

Were did you find out?
at home

How far along were you?
about 5 weeks

What was your reaction?

Who was the first person you told?
Stacey, I panicked and had just gotten off the phone with her telling her that I was going to take the test, so calling her was reaction.

How did you tell the father?
I had closed the bedroom door, and forgot to lock it, and he came in when the test was on the counter. So I just said "umm... so i'm pregnant..."

What was his reaction?
Not thrilled

All about your pregnancy

When is your due date?
March 8, 2011

Did you have any morning sickness?
Yessss, it was terrible.

What are your fears?
losing the baby, a hairy baby, pooping during delivery (i know.. such a dumb thing to worry about), the cord getting wrapped around the baby's neck, him not coming out a healthy beautiful baby boy.

What are you most happy about?
I just felt him kick. ;)

Did you want a boy or girl?
I wanted a girl but a boy is great too. :)

What did the father want boy or girl?
Neither... but preferably a girl

Do you know what your having?

Do you have a name picked out?
Asher - I think. It's the only name I've liked for longer than a few days.

How much weight have you gained?
The last time I was at the docs I was 18 wks, and I hadnt gained any. But I doubt thats still the case.

Have you felt the baby move?
yes! :)

When you have the baby

Are you keeping the baby?
yes, and trust me ... i weighed every other option. This is the one I am confidant in saying I AM GOING TO DO. :)

Do you plan on a natural or medicated birth?
MEDICATED!!! No reason to not take advantage of our advanced medical advances lol.

Are you scared about labor?

What do you think will be the worst part of labor?
Pain. And I really dont want everyone in the room staring at my vag LOL.

Have you taken any classes?

Who will be in the delivery room?
I'm not sure yet. Doctors .. for sure lol. And I'm assuming Travis? And I want people there, and hanging out up until ... but as far as when it comes time for me to .. ya know, start the show, I dont know?

Are you having the birth videotaped?
Noooo wwaaay.

Do you think you will cry when you see the baby for the first time?
Of course.

What do you think the fathers reaction to the baby will be?
Excited, I'm sure.

How do you think family and friends will feel?

Read more:

Kick off! ... maybe?

I'm 90% sure I just felt the baby kick.
I haven't felt any butterflies/quickening the past couple days and was starting to get worried. So I came out to the living room and told Trav that we needed to get some Orange Juice in the morning. Apparently orange juice is one of the things that will make a baby move, same with ice water and caffeine. But since it was late .. 12:20 or so I d to try ice water. So I drink some and go lay down, staying as still as possible, and praying "please let me feel something.. anything, so I know all is well in there" and then i felt like a pop feeling, this is where it sounds weird lol, but it felt like ... i don't know how to explain it ... it was as if the pop feeling had an echo LOL.

So i felt it, and my jaw dropped, so i waited ... and again... so i start saying to myself "there's no way, this is because I'm wanting to feel something", so i like pushed my tummy a little... and waited ... then again.

Like I've said before, I've felt the whole quickening, the popcorn popping sensation and even "gas bubbles" ... this was NOTHING like I've ever felt before.
I'm really excited!!! I hope it was. <3

Friday, October 29, 2010

22 weeks (well.. in 4 days)

Not much new to report, still no kicking, which I'm kind of upset about. I'm really excited to feel him kick, I think that's gonna be the thing that makes it feel real. I mean seeing him on the ultrasound was BEYOND incredible (I'm surprised I didnt cry) ... but I think feeling him kick will be the thing that like sets it over the edge.
My biggest complaint as of lately has been the heartburn. I read that if you have a lot of heartburn it can mean that the baby is going to have a ton of hair. I sincerely hope that is not the case haha. I do not want a baby with a full head of hair, to me it looks like a total Benjamin Button thing ... a small old man with a toupee. :)

We're still moving to Arkansas, the plane tickets are bought for the 18th, which is in 2 weeks and 5 days. I'm trying to stay on top of things and get everything packed and ready to go. I wish I could put Caleb & Colin in my suitcase and take them with lol.
But Danielle was just saying how amazing Colin is doing in school ... he's in "regular" preschool more than 50% of the day and completed all of his "goals" for the YEAR!
Caleb is doing good, from what I know. Danielle told Travis about Caleb, so I had to get the information from him .. so its like all watered down by the time it gets back to me lol. But again, I heard he was doing good, having problems staying awake in class though. And he had a meltdown on his way to school the other day, so I assume the docs are going to wind up upping his meds back to what they were originally at which was 2 pills or 10 mg a day. It breaks my heart that he has to take meds in the first place, but it honestly doesnt "change" him. We just get to enjoy happy Caleb. He still has "regular" 7 yr old issues, like with bed time, picking up toys and bath time, but thats it. Ohhh and HAIRCUTS. I wish we could do something about his fear of haircuts. Trav and I want to try and get one last one in before we head off to Arkansas, otherwise the next time we see him his hair will probably be down his back haha.

Well I'm off to get Chinese food (YUM). I'll try and update this more often.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

BIG update

K - so a lot has happened. I have stopped puking!(knock on wood) I'm 19 wks and 5 days, a BOY, and everyone who want to know, knows! lol
I feel a lot of quickening happening, not so much kicking, YET. But hopefully soon, because this quickening thing is not as pleasant as "they" made it seem. It doesn't hurt, its just more annoying. I also feel a LOT of streching happening, again, I wish I was told about this before hand. This is probably the mos unpleasant part of pregnancy I have experianced yet.
FYI: Morning Sickness is not classified as unpleasant, its classified in THE WORST THING EVER lol
The palms of my hands sweat, which is .... random? And apparently because of the increase of the hormones.
I havent had any "weird" cravings, or cravings for that matter. Well I mean I crave things, but not anymore then I did before I got pregnant.
I've been trying to think of names, and so far I have
Bryce Alexander & Asher Ryan. I dont know .. I like them both, but picking a name for someone to be called for the rest of their life is a LOT more stressful then people lead me to believe! LOL
I'm becoming more and more anxious about giving birth, even though I have a while to go. I'm petrified, and every day I just come up with more things to be nervous about. haha.

In other news Trav and I are moving to Arkansas, to live with his mom and get on our feet before the bambino comes.
Hopefully it wont take too long for Danielle and the boys to come out too. I think she going to wait until the end of the school year so it wont be as crazy to get them situated. I'm going to miss Caleb and Colin so much :(.
But we have to move, otherwise we'll be living in a cardboard box.

I think thats all I have for now, I'm gonna see if I can upload the ultrasound pics and a belly pic to go along with this blog, but I'm not that skilled with "blogger" so we'll see how it goes.